My Cubican and Me

My Cubican: Ryan, Sweet husband of Mexican and Cuban descent (hence my Cubican)

Me: Kellie, Wife, Mommy, and so much more

Our Boy: Kylan, the cutest little man ever

Our Girl: Rosie, tiny, precious, and full of spunk

Our Blog: Life, Love, Laughs, and other good things...

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I know its a little late, but I still feel the need to document this lovely, not so spooky, Halloween!

This was Kylan's first Halloween... obviously! :) And it was so fun. We went to a Trunk or Treat in Ava on Saturday (October 27th, which happens to be Nay Nay and Spencer's birthday!) and then on the actual day of Halloween we went trick or treating in Ozark and to my ward's Trunk or Treat... no offense my Ava peeps, but my ward's Trunk or Treat kicked your Trunk or Treat's butt.

I had so many big plans for costumes this year. Seriously. It was going to be a family affair and an epic one at that! Unfortunately I am the queen of procrastination. So none of my plans actually panned out. But don't you worry! I am making it happen next year!!!

As it was, we found a nice little infant costume at Target, which almost did not fit him... or ya know, depending on who you ask you could just skip the "almost"... but only because kiddo is a giant! Nonetheless, he was the most adorable pea pod ever.

The little nieces were tutu ghosts and totally rocked it.

At one point I called Nay Shay a little monster (because, really that girl is fierce when you stand between her and her candy) to which Bella replied "She's not a little monster! She's a little ghost!!!"

Anyway, here are some delightful pictures! Enjoy. And once again, I know its late, but I hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween!

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