My Cubican and Me

My Cubican: Ryan, Sweet husband of Mexican and Cuban descent (hence my Cubican)

Me: Kellie, Wife, Mommy, and so much more

Our Boy: Kylan, the cutest little man ever

Our Girl: Rosie, tiny, precious, and full of spunk

Our Blog: Life, Love, Laughs, and other good things...

Friday, February 17, 2012


"I love this crazy, tragic,
Sometimes almost magic,
Awful, beautful life"

This week has been quite the doosy. To the on-looker it probably seems like this week has been nothing but garbage. Hit after hit and then the hits just keep on coming.

When we looked forward to this week, we had no idea what we were in for. It was said to hold tales of baby (boy or girl?), snowflakes, missions, and even eternal marriages... What we got were car accidents, waiting, and sickness.

Monday, Monday. Can't trust that day! I grew up to my mama singing The Mamas and The Papas to me. What can I say. I should have known. February 13th, we were supposed to find out what kind of kid I'm cookin. We are hoping for a human ;) This day was also said, by the oh-so-knowledgeable meteorologists, to bring snow. When I awoke at 5 in the morning to a lovely phone call informing me that school was canceled, I peeked out the window and discovered the long over-due winter wonderland. But never fear, the ultrasound must go on... right??? .................. Wrong! For those of you who were unaware, we did get into a minor car accident on our way to the doctor (which is an hour away...) Unexpected. Scary. Tense. But absolutely not devastating. Somehow this horrible turn of events was... altogether not horrible. No one was hurt, thank goodness Baby is so safe and sound inside the womb! The car had almost no damage. A wonderful highway patrolman stopped and got us a tow truck that would have otherwise taken 3 hours. Surprisingly, I left this crazy experience feeling nothing but grateful for the way the Lord works all things for our good.

Tuesday. Valentine's Day. Yay! Ryan and mine's first V-day as a married couple. AND school was canceled again. That meant we had the whole day together. Perfect. Except that I was so sick and so sore, that the entire day was spent with me in bed and my wonderful husband taking care of me. Rather than being upset that our day together was spent thus, we both were able to rejoice in the fact that we got to spend all that time together . I am so blessed to have such a sweet and selfless man in my life.

Wednesday. This was the day we were all hoping Cassie's mission call would come. Alas. It did not. Ryan and I had decided the night before that I should not go to school this day because I was still just too sick. Instead we decided that I would go to the doctor and hopefully be able to return to work the following day. Half of that plan worked out. We went to the doctor! And she said that I would be able to return to work by.... Monday. Not Thursday, or even Friday. Again, this could have been an awful thing. I have been so stressed that I would run out of sick days with all of my doctor's appointments. And had the doctor not given me a note releasing me for work on Monday, I would most definitely have gone back earlier. But instead I was given this wonderful opportunity to just be sick. Sounds lovely huh? I know you are all jealous. I got to spend this whole week in bed, coughing, sneezing, drowning in mucus. With no lesson plans, students or staff meetings. Bliss!

Thursday... still no mission call. More waiting.

Friday....... well my friends, that is today. And how should I know what this day will hold. We have obviously seen how well my planning goes :) Hopefully though, this day will bring good tidings, sweet surprises and many more examples of the Lord's tender mercies. For now, we will continue to wait for the mail!

btw... This is how my sweet husband and I spent our Thursday night...
Cozied up together, netflixing...
We started watching this:

Which was pretty much just awful... We knew it would be lame, but after about 20 minutes Ryan decided he just couldn't handle it...
So instead we watched this:
Ryan didn't even mind when I did in fact sing-along!

P.s. Baby Aguiar has been trying to kick the laptop right off my legs. Perhaps this little kiddo just wants me to include a little hello from the uterus!

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