My Cubican and Me

My Cubican: Ryan, Sweet husband of Mexican and Cuban descent (hence my Cubican)

Me: Kellie, Wife, Mommy, and so much more

Our Boy: Kylan, the cutest little man ever

Our Girl: Rosie, tiny, precious, and full of spunk

Our Blog: Life, Love, Laughs, and other good things...

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Third

My little Gus --sometimes Goofy, other times Grumpy, mostly just adorable-- is 4, thats right FOUR months old!!! What? Excuse me. My child is a third of a year old?!?!?!? I will never understand the crazy time warp that seems to be causing my tiny baby to grow up way too fast!

Oh how I love this small child. No matter what the circumstances may be, one look from his sweet, little face and I'm done. None of the little messes of daily life, the struggles and trials, nothing seems quite so bad as I originally thought. Turns out, this kid has magic. Mind-blowing, innocent, sweet and helpless, pure and perfect, and like I said, simply magical. That's what my baby boy is.

So what has this past month seen??? Well. I tell you what, if I hadn't been here to witness it, I wouldn't quite be able to believe how much he has grown. It is just plain silliness!

I am not positive on his stats at this point in time. His 4 month check up is on Thursday, so never fear, I will fill you in then! (*Update* My little giant weighed in at 16 pounds 2 ounces, and is nearly 28 inches long!!! He is pretty average for weight, but off the charts for height........ time to begin the search for an over-29-inches carseat!), on to the good stuff...

This month has been one of discoveries!

He discovered his thumb, and let me tell you, he is a huge fan! :) The term "thumb sucker" seems to have some sort of negative connotation, but when I see his cute little hand curled in front of his face and hear his adorable lips smacking, I just can't figure out why? Some moms may discourage thumb sucking, but I am not one of them. So this discovery is one of my favorites!

He also found his feet this month. Up until recently he delighted in discovering WITH his feet (he especially loves putting them in the stream of water as his bath fills up!).... oh but now! Now he has actually realized them to be the most fun and wonderful things ever. Oh how it just melts my heart and soul to see him all folded in half, a foot in each hand, toes in his mouth. I'm just not sure it gets much better than that! He is so in love with his toesies that when he has some time to spare, in the middle of the night!, he kicks free of his bonds (also known as, his nicely, neatly swaddled blanket) and finds those adorable little feet and goes to town! By the time I get in the room, to feed him, he is cooing and conversing with his angel friends, not a care in the world!

Raspberries. Oh yes. This kid has learned how to blow raspberries. It is so funny and adorable. Sometimes he will just look around blowing raspberries, perfectly content. He is such an adorable goofball. He was sick this past week, and after he slept most of the day, instead of going to bed (at like 8:30, almost 2 hours past bedtime) he decided he would rather smile and coo, blow raspberries and look around. I think Heavenly Father, geniusly and purposely, made babies irresistibly cute and sweet so that even when you are exhausted and on the verge of tears, you just can't help but smile at them, because looking at perfection it is hard to stay grumpy!

He loves to flirt. I don't want to think about what this natural inclination will amount to 15ish years from now (... my baby as a flirting teenager is just not something I can handle!), but at the moment it is joy personified. Seriously. I would like to see someone try to resist this. His powers of flirtation are undeniable. You don't even have to be looking at him or paying him any attention. He just turns on the charm, smiles his big adorable smile and waits for you to turn his way! Then he really lets you have it, with the cooing and the squealing. His final tactic: the feigned shyness. "Oh don't look at me. I'm just too shy and sweet and so I will just nuzzle into my blanket and hide my infectious smile. Oh yes, I shall leave you wanting more!... Bahaha I got you right where I want you." He is a tricky little one, I tell ya. But alas, there is nothing for it. He is just too cute to be resisted. Luckily, for all mankind, he only uses his powers for good, and never evil!

My sweetie still loves music, dancing and mommy singing to him! I love to watch his face light up when I break into song. He doesn't mind my embarrassing dance moves either!

He loves being outside, although with the weather getting colder we don't go on walks as often as we used to.

The biggest change this month though??? As of 3 nights ago, Kylan is sleeping in his own room. Oh boy... The truth is I don't think he cared so much!... but it was a big and scary change for me. One of the most comforting and beautiful things was being able to lay in bed at night and hear him breathing, knowing that he was safe and sleeping soundly. But, I decided that as honorable as my intentions may have been it would be selfish to keep him in our room, when he was quickly outgrowing the pack n play that he slept in. So now, he is just a few extra feet away, across the hall. I can still move quickly to his doorway to hear him breathing, only now he seems to be sleeping more soundly. I guess you could call it a win-(pull your big girl panties up and deal with it)win situation!

There are a great many things wrong with the world, in general... but MY world, safe and sound in our little home, my honey, my baby, and me? Its all things glorious!